Sleep Time Calculator - literaiiy Toolbox
Sleep Time Calculator

Calculate optimal times to go to sleep based on sleep cycle length and wake-up time.

Sleep cycle length (min)

Time to wake

Sleep is important, but it can sometimes be hard to find a good time and amount to sleep. Experts generally recommend between 6 - 9 hours of sleep per night for most adults, although this depends on a lot of factors, such as age range, sleep quality, and activity during the day. Infants generally require 12 - 17 hours of sleep, toddlers between 11 - 14, school-age children between 9 - 12, teens between 8 - 10, adults between 7 - 9, and seniors between 6 - 8.

However, finding the right amount of sleep isn't as simple as picking a number in a range. Every night of sleep consists of multiple sleep cycles of four stages, usually between 4 and 6 per night. The length of these cycles differs on the time they happen during the night; earlier cycles can last between 70 and 100 minutes, while later ones can be between 90 and 120. Experts estimate cycle length to be on average 90 minutes, and most sleep calculators and online resources use this figure as a simplification.


Sleep Foundation:
Mayo Clinic: